Changing the World, One Story, One Song, At a Time

Out by 10 is the only nonprofit monthly NYC performance series presenting both storytellers & musicians.
Out by 10’s goals set us apart: In a time when Americans feel more divided than ever, we create an intimate space where people can connect and explore what it means to be human — through music & storytelling.
Here’s another thing that sets us apart: We support artists, paying our performers, unlike many venues, so we can help them earn a living doing what they love.
We aim to change the world, one story, one song, at a time.
We are so honored that Fractured Atlas, the organization that provides nonprofit fiscal sponsorship for us has selected Out by 10 from among its over 66,000 members as one of its “successful projects.” Check out the story about how OB10 began and how we do what we do here.
You can make a tax-deductible donation to Out by 10–support artists and the community of storytellers and musicians who speak the truth and enrich all our lives.

THE EVENTS: You’ll See Hilarious Storytellers, Comedians & Musicians
Co-Founder and Host, Susan Seliger hand-picks the most exciting and funniest musicians, standups and storytellers to perform in an intimate NYC venue. You’ll see Big Talent in a Small Space. You get to connect with the performers and fellow audience members. Every 2nd Thursday of the month, from 8 to 10 PM, we do the impossible: entertain you.
Health Warning: There will be moments of intense guffawing, flashes of insight, feelings of deep connection to perfect strangers, and/or teary-eyed blurring (side-effects vary).
Bonus: Two audience members will win FREE tickets to the next show. PLUS it’s BYOB so you save $. And you get to really listen to the funniest, wisest and most talented storytellers & musicians in an intimate space with no noisy bar service to interrupt the mood.
Our Performers:
They’re amazing, top-notch pros who will send your spirits soaring — you may just laugh so loud you’ll embarrass yourself. You’ve been warned. :<}

You’ll love our gorgeous new space–it combines the excellent acoustics with the intimacy you know and love about Out by 10.
Noho Sound headquarters at 75 Murray Street (between W. Broadway and Greenwich).
It’s in the historic Bogardus Mansion, a stunning 5-story building replicating the Palazzo Vendramin in Venice (featured on the U.S. National register of historic places).
RIGHT NOW the building is in the process of transforming into a vibrant multi-media performance & event space where the best creative talent will be gathering on every floor.
Noho Sound’s owners are great guys who support quality music and live arts performances, and. Oh yes, carry the world’s finest premium & hi-end home stereo hifi equipment.
It’s easy to get to: Subways: two blocks from chambers st., city hall, the world trade center, oculus.

You’re right, it is not all about Susan… but try telling her that!
I am a recovering journalist. Journalism is all about telling stories — true stories (I grew up in an era before “alternate facts”).
I’ve told stories in every medium the law allows. I’ve worked in:
- Newspapers: The New York Times and The National Observer, a sister-paper to the Wall Street Journal
- Magazines: Deputy Editor of Magazine Development at Hearst, Deputy Editor of Good Housekeeping, Deputy Editor and Associate Publisher of Working Mother
- Books: I’m the author of the health book “Stop Killing Yourself: Make Stress Work for You” (Putnam’s) and ghostwriter of “Wonderful Marriage” (Ben Bella Books).
- Online: I’ve launched and re-launched a dozen sites, from small start-ups to big established leaders, helping launch several new channels for and consulting on the The Rockefeller Foundation’s re-launch of its entire site.
- Publications: My work has appeared in The New York Times,, New York Magazine,, The Washington Post, The Miami Herald, The Chicago Tribune, The Detroit News, The Economist, Travel & Leisure, Redbook, Self, Good Housekeeping, Working Mother, USA Today, Reader’s Digest, The Washingtonian, Arthur Frommer’s Budget Travel, Family Circle, The National Observer. The Baltimore News American*.
Life After Journalism: Out by 10
But as you may have noticed, many of those media outlets are dead or dying. I figured there had to be life after journalism. I was ready for a change. I got divorced, wrote and performed a one-woman show about Life, Love and Dating at several NYC venues. Then, a friend, who had been gathering people together to perform in a guy’s living room periodically downtown said she was tired of doing that and asked me to take it over. The timing was perfect. I made a few changes — I changed the name to Out by 10: Music & Stories: Big Talent in a Small Space, honed the focus to storytelling and music (my two passions), searched for the best talent, changed the venue, launched a website, a logo, a Facebook page, twitter feeds, Instagram, cultivated a mailing list. And boom — there we were.
It turned out that nearly all the stuff I did in my career before was preparing me to create Out by 10, but I didn’t know it. Funny, isn’t it?
If you have trouble sleeping, read my clips here. Or get more sordid career details on my LinkedIn page.

Ann Moore
Brian Haller
Laura deBuys
Lynn Schnurnberger
Margo Parks
Marnie Elder
Michael Gruen
Neil Genzlinger
Rona Carr
Sandi Marx
Steve Zimmer